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ARM Assembly Language From Ground Up™ 1
Set up
Downloading Keil uVision 5 (1:18)
Installing Keil uVision 5 (6:23)
Installing Packs (1:46)
Overview of Keil uVision (10:02)
Introduction to ARM Assembly Language
The Computing Device (2:35)
Number Systems (6:38)
Assembly Tools (1:58)
Translating Bits to Commands (3:19)
Assembly Syntax (1:43)
ARM Design Philosophy and RISC Architecture
The RISC Design Philosophy (3:43)
The ARM Design Philosophy (3:06)
Embedded Systems with ARM Processors (3:11)
ARM Bus Technology and AMBA Bus Protocol (2:14)
Memory (7:57)
Peripherals (2:23)
Von Neumann and Harvard architecture (3:46)
Cache and Tightly Couple Memory (3:40)
Memory Management extensions (2:29)
Co-processor extensions (1:17)
The Programmer's Model
Data Types (2:51)
Processor Modes (5:22)
ARM7TDMI Registers (7:52)
ARM7TDMI Vector Table (2:22)
ARM Cortex-M Registers (4:34)
ARM Cortex-M Vector Table (1:10)
ARM Data Flow Model (3:44)
The Pipeline (4:08)
ARM Processor Family (1:55)
ARM Cortex-A and Cortex-R (1:42)
ARM Cortex-M (1:31)
Section Summary (0:45)
Assembler Rules and Directives
Structure of an Assembly Module (3:16)
The ARM,Thumb and Thumb-2 Instruction Sets (2:31)
Predefined Register Names (2:22)
Frequently used Directives (3:22)
Coding : Simple Assembly Project with Startup File (16:00)
Coding : Importance of the Reset_Handler (5:18)
Coding : Simple Assembly Project without Startup File (10:18)
Coding : Allocating space in memory with the SPACE Directive (9:13)
Overview of Binary Operators (1:44)
Coding : Swapping Register Content (5:23)
Coding : Renaming Registers (6:19)
Source Code Download
Load-Store Instructions
Memory Demarcations (3:35)
Frequently used Load/Store Instructions (Part I) (5:27)
Frequently used Load/Store Instructions (Part II) (5:18)
Frequently used Load/Store Instructions (Part III) (4:47)
Resource Download
Pre-Indexed Addressing (2:16)
Post-Indexed Addressing (2:21)
Endianness (2:50)
Defining Memory Areas (2:27)
Coding : Copying Data from One Memory Location to Another (14:22)
Dealing with Constants and Literals
The Encoding of the MOV Instruction (4:41)
The ARM Rotation Scheme (5:23)
Loading Constants with the LDR Instruction (2:43)
Loading Constants with the MOVW and MOVT Instructions (0:57)
Loading Labels with ADR, ADRL and LDR Instructions (2:32)
Coding : Solving a Simple Equation Method 1 (8:44)
Coding : Solving a Simple Equation Method 2 - Storing Constants in Memory (11:07)
Coding : Solving a Simple Equation Method 3 - Using Register Relative Addressing (13:00)
Coding : Solving a Simple Equation Method 4 - Compact Code (6:09)
Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
Flags (3:02)
The N and V Flags (3:34)
The Z and C Flags (0:42)
Compare/Test Instructions (6:24)
Overview of Boolean Operations (1:33)
Coding : Experimenting with the PSR Flags (7:00)
Coding : Experimenting with the Carry Flag (8:03)
Coding : Experimenting with the Overflow Bit (13:38)
Introduction to Shifts and Rotations (1:25)
Understanding Logical Shift (4:47)
Understanding Rotations (1:33)
Some Shift and Rotate Examples (2:57)
Coding : Experimenting with the Logical Shift Left Instruction (9:18)
Overview Addition and Subtraction Instructions (1:50)
Coding : Finding the Maximum Value in a Dataset (12:11)
Coding : Adding Signed Data (11:44)
Coding : Finding the Minimum Signed Data (8:35)
Overview of Saturated Math Instructions (3:42)
Overview of Multiplication Instructions (4:16)
Multiplying by Constants (2:34)
Coding : Solving a More Complex Equation (11:04)
Overview of the Division Instruction (1:24)
Coding : Performing Division by Subtraction (6:34)
Overview of DSP Instructions (3:09)
Fractional Notation (7:53)
Bit Manipulation Instructions (4:42)
Understanding Q Notation (4:49)
Branch and Loop Instructions
Introduction to Branches and Loops (1:20)
Branching (11:10)
Compare and Branch (1:21)
Loops in Assembly (3:55)
Conditional Execution (3:59)
The IF-THEN Block (5:01)
Coding : Computing the Factorial of a Number using the IF-THEN Block (8:30)
Introduction to Tables (0:53)
Navigating a Lookup Table (1:17)
Coding : Constructing a Floating-Point Lookup Table (17:42)
Coding : Constructing a Floating-Point Lookup Table - Version 2 (4:47)
Coding : Creating a Program to Rapidly Compute the Sine of a Value (Part I) (15:03)
Creating a Program to Rapidly Compute the Sine of a Value (Part II) (1:38)
Creating a Program to Rapidly Compute the Sine of a Value (Part III) (11:24)
Coding : Creating Jump Tables (14:53)
Stack Instructions
Introduction to the Stack (1:16)
The LDM and STM Instructions (4:37)
Syntax of the PUSH and POP Instructions (1:03)
Coding : Creating a Simple Stack (7:00)
Coding : Saving and Restoring Context (8:27)
The Floating Point Unit
Contributions of a Floating Point Unit with to an Embedded Processor (4:48)
Floating-Point Data Types (5:31)
Syntax of Floating-Point Instructions (0:58)
Overview of Floating Point Instructions (6:03)
Coding : Enabling the Floating-Point Coprocessor (8:06)
Coding : Transferring Data Between Main Registers and Floating-Point Registers (7:57)
Mixing C and Assembly
Coding : Inline Assembly (8:34)
Coding : Exporting a Subroutine from Assembly to C (7:10)
Coding : Exporting a Function from C to Assembly (6:58)
Peripheral Drivers Development (STM32F411- DISCOVERY BOARD )
Coding : STM32F4 GPIO Driver Development ( Part I) (10:29)
Coding : STM32F4 GPIO Driver Development ( Part II ) (5:58)
Coding : STM32F4 GPIO Driver Development ( Part III ) (0:45)
Coding : STM32F4 GPIO Driver Development ( Part IV) (14:59)
Peripheral Drivers Development (STM32-F411- NUCLEO BOARD )
Coding : Assigning Symbolic Names to Relevant GPIO Registers (30:36)
Coding : Toggling GPIO Outputs (13:10)
Coding : Writing the GPIO Output Driver (22:30)
Coding : Toggling GPIO Outputs with the BSRR Register (6:03)
Peripheral Drivers Development ( TM4C123- TIVA C BOARD )
Coding : Assigning Symbolic Names to Relevant GPIO Registers (43:12)
Coding : Implementing the GPIO Output Driver (17:04)
Coding : Assigning Symbolic Names to Relevant GPIO Input Registers (10:41)
Coding : Implementing the GPIO Input Driver (14:27)
Coding : Toggling GPIO Outputs (8:46)
Data Structures
Introduction to FIFOs (4:53)
Coding : Fifo Implementation (Part I) (10:47)
Coding : Fifo Implementation (Part II) (7:38)
Coding : Fifo Implementation (Part III) (11:23)
Algorithms Developments
Coding : Developing the Recursive Factorial Algorithm (Part I) (6:08)
Coding : Developing the Recursive Factorial Algorithm (Part II) (7:22)
Taylor Series Expansion algorithm (Part I) (17:38)
Coding : Taylor Series Expansion algorithm (Part II) (4:22)
Overview of The Reciprocal Square Root Algorithm (2:27)
Coding : The Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Algorithm (Part I) (7:02)
Coding : The Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Algorithm (Part II) (13:33)
Overview of the Bisection algorithm (1:40)
Closing Remarks
Teach online with
Coding : Solving a Simple Equation Method 3 - Using Register Relative Addressing
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