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Build Your Own RealTime OS (RTOS 1) From Ground Up™ on ARM 1
Setting Up
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Development Board
Getting the Required Documentation (8:43)
Setting Up the Project Tree (Part I) (12:24)
Setting Up the Project Tree (Part II) (4:56)
Getting the best out of this course. (4:59)
[OPTIONAL] Setting Up Keil uVision 5
Downloading Keil uVision (1:16)
Installing Keil uVision 5 (6:23)
Installing Packs (4:19)
Overview of Keil uVision 5 (10:00)
Changing the Compiler (1:53)
Developing the Required Drivers
Programming : Developing the LED Driver (PartI) (17:34)
Programming : Developing the LED Driver (PartII) (22:02)
[Keil uVision] : Programming : Developing the LED Driver (15:32)
Programming : Developing the UART Driver (Part I) - Approach (14:20)
Programming : Developing the UART Driver (Part II) - Initialization Function (20:53)
Programming : Developing the UART Driver (Part III) - Write Function (12:19)
[Keil uVision] : Programming : Developing the UART Driver (6:17)
Programming : Developing the Timebase Initialization Function (16:10)
Programming : Developing the Timebase Utility Functions (11:01)
[Keil uVision] : Programming : Developing the Timebase (3:38)
Source Code Download
The Internals of Realtime Operating Systems
Programming : Experimenting with Blocking Code (10:26)
[Keil uVision] : Programming : Experimenting with Blocking Code (5:00)
Programming : Manual Context Switching (26:53)
[Keil uVision] : Programming : Manual Context Switching (1:45)
Introduction to Real-time Operating Systems
What is an RTOS? (2:22)
Performance Metrics of Real Time Operating Systems (0:52)
Software Flows
Busy Wait System (1:30)
Multi-Threaded Systems (With ISRs) (2:39)
Real-Time Systems (0:55)
The Stack
Stack & Memory Map (3:34)
Stack Manipulation (4:41)
Overview of Cortex-M OS Support Features
Inside the Microcontroller (2:30)
The Shadow Stack Pointer (2:21)
Exclusive access instructions (3:45)
The SysTick (1:26)
BOOT Sequence
Cortex-M Boot Sequence PART I (1:02)
Cortex-M Boot Sequence PRT II (5:07)
Introduction to Threads
The Thread (2:15)
Classification of Threads (3:19)
Thread Control Block (TCB)
Features of the Thread Control Bock (2:15)
Implementing a Thread Control Block (4:09)
The Scheduler and Scheduling Algorithms
The Scheduler (2:38)
Process vs. Thread (2:38)
Classification of Schedulers (1:52)
Preemption (1:20)
Scheduler Criteria (1:17)
CPU Utilization (2:01)
Scheduling Algorithm Optimization (1:57)
Overview of Popular Scheduling Algorithms (0:58)
First Come First Served (FCFS) Scheduler (7:13)
Round Robin (RR) Scheduler (8:41)
Round Robin (RR) Scheduler (PART II) (4:49)
Quanta (4:18)
Weighted Round Robin (WRR) Scheduler (4:09)
Internals of the Round Robin Scheduler (6:19)
Context Switching
The Context Switching process (3:10)
The Kernel
The Kernel (0:40)
Developing a Realtime OS with a Round Robin Scheduler
Programming : Developing the Thread Control Block (7:48)
Programming : Implementing the Kernel Stack Initialization Function (11:22)
Programming : Implementing the Kernel Add Threads Function (9:07)
Programming : Implementing the Kernal Launch Function (9:51)
Programming : Saving and Restoring Context (16:20)
Programming : Implementing the OS Scheduler Launch Function (8:02)
Programming : Testing the RTOS (29:43)
Programming : Exploring the RTOS further (7:05)
[Keil uVision] Programming : Developing the Round Robin Scheduler v1 (10:45)
[Keil uVision] Programming : Developing the Round Robin Scheduler v2 (9:58)
Closing Remarks
The Context Switching process
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