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Embedded System IoT Systems Design
Setting Up CubeMX5 and CubeIDE
Download CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE (4:16)
Installing CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE (7:25)
Installing CubeMX 5 Packages (6:07)
Overview of STM32CubeMX 5 (17:17)
Getting Started
Configuring the System Drivers and RTOS (22:00)
Testing the RTOS (20:31)
Testing the Data Transfer Module (20:05)
Extending the UART Driver (11:45)
Testing the GPIO Driver (9:11)
Source Code Download
Python Essentials
Downloading Python (1:49)
Installing Python (1:59)
Using IDLE (2:52)
Installing Python packages (3:37)
Printing statements (6:06)
Variables (7:19)
Lists (5:17)
Operators (12:23)
Conditions (8:14)
For Loops (7:28)
While Loops (5:26)
Functions (7:44)
Dictionaries (10:17)
Classes and Objects (12:23)
Firmware and Python Communications
Writing a script to find our Iot device (11:17)
Sending data from firmware to python script (10:10)
Sending data from python script to the firmware (6:58)
Introduction to Python GUI
Setting up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (7:04)
Setting Up the Kivy Framework (7:49)
Working with FloatLayouts (14:34)
Working with RelativeLayouts (11:04)
Working with AnchorLayouts (6:01)
Working with GridLayouts (14:40)
Working with StackLayouts (7:43)
Working with Text Markups (12:02)
Developing the IoT System Dashboard
Setting Up the Project Window Properties (20:49)
Implementing the Minimize and Close Buttons (13:05)
Coding the SignUp Screen (Part I) (36:22)
Coding the Sign Up Screen (Part II) (38:07)
Coding the Log In Screen (7:09)
Coding the Iot Dashboard (Part I) (14:18)
Coding the Iot Dashboard (Part II) (27:09)
Coding the Iot Dashboard (Part III) (17:56)
Firmware and Dashboard Communication
Coding the Iot Dashboard (Part IV) (31:16)
Testing the Firmware-Dashboard Interaction (40:45)
Interfacing the Battery Sensor Data to the Dashboard (31:00)
Integrating the Firmware Control Widgets (30:04)
Integrating Cloud Communication
Reading Data from the Database (7:51)
Setting Up Firebase Realtime Database (15:15)
Authenticating New Users and Devices (Part I) (30:39)
Authenticating New Users and Devices (Part II) (17:24)
Working with Email Protocols
Overview of Email Protocols (2:56)
Coding : Sending an Email (9:43)
Coding : Constructing an Email (7:35)
Coding : Sending a simple MIME message (9:16)
Coding : Sending Emails with Attachments (7:45)
Coding : Rendering HTML in an Email (7:53)
Coding : Rendering HTML and TEXT in an Email (22:59)
Coding : Sending PDF Attachments (9:57)
Coding : Sending bulk Emails (11:29)
Coding : Checking Email Statistics with POP3 (6:42)
Coding : Checking Email Information with POP3 (4:54)
Coding : Retrieving Emails with POP3 (13:02)
Coding : Checking IMAP Server Capabilities (7:39)
Coding : Retrieving Emails with IMAP (9:46)
Coding : Developing an IMAP Email Client (42:49)
Closing Remarks
Working with AnchorLayouts
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