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Advanced Sensing: Time of Flight (ToF) Sensors
Course Requirement
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Getting the required documentation (7:41)
Getting the required package for bare-metal development (21:19)
Testing the project setup (15:54)
Introduction to Time-of-Flight Technology
Evolution of Time-of-Flight(TOF) Technology (4:06)
Some Commonly Used Abbreviations (1:17)
Understanding Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) (3:07)
SPADs for Depth Map Generation (2:32)
Complete Source Code Download
STMicroelectronics ToF Sensors
Understanding the Field of View(FoV) and Field of Illumination(Fol) (2:21)
Overview of STMicroelectronics ToF Sensor Types (3:29)
Understanding the Detection Volume (1:12)
Developing Required Generic Drivers
Programming : Enabling the Floating Point Unit (FPU) (18:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Analyzing the Documentation (11:35)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Listing out the steps (4:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Init. function (22:13)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Write function (5:39)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Testing the Driver (6:39)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Analyzing the Documentation (8:28)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Implementing the Init. function (9:52)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - The rest of the functions (12:15)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Testing the Timebase (5:34)
Programming : BSP : Listing the out the Required Functions (7:55)
Programming : Writing the LED Driver (5:01)
Programming : Writing the PushButton Driver (4:00)
Programming : Testing the Board Support Package (3:35)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation (5:21)
Programming : Listing out the steps for developing the ADC Driver (5:27)
Programming : Writing the ADC Initialization function (13:21)
Programming : Writing the ADC Read function (14:05)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation for the I2C Driver (10:47)
Programming : I2C : The GPIO Initialization (10:35)
Programming : Configuring the I2C Parameters (10:22)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Read function (13:44)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Burst Read function (7:25)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Write functions (10:17)
Extending the I2C Driver for Interfacing with the VL53L1X (ToF) Sensor
Programming : Introduction to the required extensions (3:27)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Request Memory Write function (8:56)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Request Memory Read function (5:36)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Memory Write function (5:54)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Memory Read function (11:46)
Working with the VL53L1X ToF Sensor
The VL53L1X Block Diagram (2:45)
Overview of the VL53L1X (3:49)
The Manufacturing Calibration Process (1:53)
The Ranging Capabilities of the VL53L1X (2:59)
Understanding the Distance Modes (3:22)
Understanding the Tiiming Budget (2:52)
Accuracy, Repeatabilty and RangingError (2:54)
Porting the STMicroelectronics Ultra Lite Driver(ULD)
Programming: Getting the Ultra Lite Driver (6:15)
Programming: Implementing the VL53L1X Driver (12:15)
Programming: Listing out the Steps for the Initialization Function (4:18)
Programming: Defining the Relevant Registers and Values
Developing the Time-of-Flight (ToF) Application
Programming: Impmenting the VL53L1X Initialization Function (5:15)
Programming: Testing the ToF Application (18:24)
Programming : BSP : Listing the out the Required Functions
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