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Mastering ARM TrustZone: Secure Embedded Systems with Cortex-M23/M33
Course Introduction(Same as Promo) (2:21)
Course Requirements
Introduction to the Cortex-M23/M33 Processors
Features and Characteristics of Cortex-M23/M33 Processors (5:57)
A Short History of Arm Cortex-M23/M33 Processors (5:36)
The Diverse Applicational Needs of CM23/CM33 Processors (3:45)
IoT and the Need for Enhanced Secuirty (3:32)
TrustZone Security
Key Features of the TrustZoneTechnology (2:10)
Register Banking in TrustZone (4:02)
Security Capabilities and Memory Partitions (5:49)
Security Attribution in Armv8-M Architecture (2:43)
Memory Security through the SAU and IDAU Configurations (3:42)
Security Attribute Unit Violations (1:14)
Instructions for Transition between States (1:00)
ARMv8-M TrustZone on STM32
The Secure World and Non-Secure World (3:23)
Overview of STM32 TrustZone Capabilities (1:52)
The STM32 TrustZone Architecture (4:21)
IDAU Memory Map Address Security Attribution (4:11)
SAU Memory Map Address Security Attribution (5:23)
Setting Up the Development Environment
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Getting Started With STM32L5 Microcontroller
Programming: Getting the Required Documents (2:53)
Programming: Setting Up STM32CubeProgrammer (3:49)
Programming: Enabling TrustZone (5:31)
Programming: Creating our First TrustZone Project (7:46)
Programming: Configuring Pins for the Secure and Non-Secure Worlds (5:35)
Getting Started with TrustZone Applications
Programming: Creating a TrustZone Disabled Application
Programming: Creating a TrustZone Enabled Application
Developing TrustZone Applications
Programming: Examining the Flow of a TrustZone Application
Programming: GPIO Control in Secure and Non-Secure Applications
Programming: UART Secure Trace Communication with TrustZone
Programming: Interrupt Switch between Secure and Nons-Secure Applications
Programming: DMA Memory-to-Memory Data Transfer Over Secure and Non-Secure DMA Channels
Programming: Flash Block-Based Security in TrustZone
Programming: RCC Clock Configuration with TrustZone
Programming: RealTime Clock Configuration with TrustZone
TrustZone in RealTime Operating Systems
Programming: FreeRTOS with TrustZone
Programming: RCC Clock Configuration with TrustZone
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