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Hands-On GPS Firmware Development
Course Requirements
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Getting the required documentation (7:41)
Getting the required package for bare-metal development (21:19)
Testing the project setup (15:54)
Developing some System Drivers for Implementing Real World Examples
Programming : Enabling the Floating Point Unit (FPU) (18:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Analyzing the Documentation (11:35)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Listing out the steps (4:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Initialization functi (22:13)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Write function (5:39)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Testing the Driver (6:39)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Analyzing the Documentation (8:28)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Implementing the Init. function (9:52)
Programming : Implementing the rest of the timebase functions (12:15)
Programming : Testing the timebase (5:34)
Introduction to the Global Positioning System(GPS)
What is GPS? (4:35)
How GPS works- Summary (2:25)
Understanding the Working Principles of GPS
Understanding Trilateration (2:59)
Understanding Ephemeris and Almanac (1:13)
Determining Location of Satellites (2:48)
Determining the Distance between the Receiver and the Satellite (2:25)
Using GPS for GIS (2:00)
GPS and Obstacles (1:40)
The GPS Error Budget (3:57)
Developing a Driver for the NEO-6M GPS Chip
Overview of the NEO-6M GPS Chip (1:31)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation (7:33)
Programming : Developing the Driver (19:59)
Source Code Download
Developing a Buffer for Managing Communication Data
Programming : Developing the Interface file (7:28)
Programming : Implementing the Initialization function (10:44)
Programming : Getting the free memory available (5:05)
Programming : Implementing the BufferWrite function (10:56)
Programming : Implementing the BufferRead function (7:48)
Programming : Getting the buffer full Level (3:30)
Programming : Implementing a buffer instance for the GPS module (7:31)
Programming : Getting characters from the buffer (2:22)
Programming : Implementing the Callback function (13:21)
Introduction to GPS NMEA Data (1:32)
Understanding NMEA Sentence Structure (2:15)
Some Common Sentence Types (2:07)
Analyzing a GPGGA Sentence (3:21)
Analyzing GPGSV and GPRMC Sentence (2:59)
Developing The NMEA GPS Dater Parser Library-Interface file
Programming : Declaring ENUMS for Event Management (13:24)
Programming : Declaring a structure for holding Satellite Parameters (3:44)
Programming : Declaring a structure for holding Date and Time Parameters (4:21)
Programming : Declaring a structure for holding GPS Data Parameters (12:34)
Developing The NMEA GPS Dater Parser Library-Implementation file
Programming : Defining Flags for Sentence Terms (8:37)
Programming : Defining term position macros (9:04)
Programming : Defining helper macros (12:24)
Programming : The Initialization function (9:58)
Programming : Processing special characters in the data sentence (Pt.1) (9:55)
Programming : Processing special characters in the data sentence (Pt.2) (8:59)
Programming : Processing special characters in the data sentence (Pt.3) (10:55)
Programming : Processing special characters in the data sentence (Pt.4) (9:02)
Programming : Implementing the ReturnTerms function (11:29)
Programming : Processing the Sentence Type term (9:10)
Programming : Processing the "Latitude" term (14:15)
Programming : Processing the "Longitude" term (2:26)
Programming : Processing the "Satellites" term (2:49)
Programming : Processing the "Altitude" term (9:35)
Programming : Processing the "Time" term (4:40)
Programming : Processing the "Speed" term (3:27)
Programming : Processing the "Date" term (3:30)
Programming : Processing the "Direction" and "Validity" terms (3:51)
Programming : Processing the GPGSA Sentence terms (9:31)
Programming : Processing the GPGSV Sentence terms (13:59)
Programming : Implementing the GPS Update function (7:26)
Programming : Converting the Default Speed to other Units (10:01)
Developing the GPS Application
Programming : Testing the GPS System (29:14)
Programming : Creating a Background Thread forDisplaying the GPS Data (20:26)
Closing Remarks
Testing the project setup
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