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Embedded Systems Design Patterns From Ground Up™
Setting Up
Downloading Keil uVision (1:16)
Installing Keil uVision 5 (6:23)
Installing Packs (10:00)
Overview of Keil uVision 5 (4:19)
Coding : Developing a UART Driver for monitoring results (41:58)
Getting Started - Th First Class ADT
Coding : Collecting Relevant Addresses from Datasheet (26:04)
Coding : Creating Registers from Addresses (24:01)
Coding : Implementing the Device Interface file (8:31)
Coding : Implementing Device Client APIs (PART I) (13:26)
Coding : Implementing Device Client APIs (PART II) (15:08)
Coding : Implementing Device Client APIs (PART III) (24:17)
Coding : Implementing Device Client APIs (PART IV) (14:32)
Source Code Download
Introduction to Design Patterns
What is a Design Pattern ? (2:50)
Understanding UML Notations (14:47)
Coding : Understanding Bit Masking (42:19)
Coding : Understanding Bit Fields (6:42)
The STATE Design Pattern
Coding : Conditional Implementation of State Machines-Writing the Interface file (15:40)
Coding : Implementing the first Time Source (17:02)
Coding : Implementing the second Time Source (13:49)
Coding : Implementing the Watch Functions (21:05)
Coding : Testing our Implementation (11:01)
Coding : Table-based State Machine Implementation (10:12)
Coding : The STATE Pattern Implementation (33:57)
Developing Peripheral Drivers for Sensor Data Collection
Coding : Developing a Driver for Collecting Digital Input Data (14:25)
Coding : Developing a Driver for Collecting Analog Input Data (16:48)
Coding : Developing a Driver for Reading the Internal Temperature of the MCU (28:24)
The Hardware Proxy Design Pattern
Introduction to the Hardware Proxy Pattern (2:22)
Coding : Writing the Hardware Proxy Interface files (27:19)
Coding : Implementing the Hardware Proxy Functions (21:55)
Coding: Writing the data Encoding and Decoding functions (21:47)
Coding : Implementing more Hardware Proxy functions (21:13)
Coding : Testing the Hardware Proxy solution (34:27)
The Hardware Adapter Design Pattern
Introduction to the Hardware Adapter Pattern (1:57)
Writing the Hardware Adapter Interface files (28:29)
Coding: Implementing the Hardware Proxy functions (13:48)
Coding : Implementing the Trans-impedence Amplifier(TIA) Adapter functions (19:36)
Coding : Implementing the Light-to-frequency (LTF) Adapter functions (11:44)
Coding: Testing the Adapter with a Client (16:37)
The Client-Server Design Pattern
Introduction to the Client-Server Pattern (11:55)
Coding : Writing the server interface file (14:35)
Coding : Writing the server functions (21:02)
Coding : Writing the Histogram Display client interface file (8:55)
Coding: Writing the ECG Module interface file (10:33)
Coding : Writing the ECG Module functions (14:01)
Coding : Writing the Histogram Display client functions (10:31)
Coding : Writing the interface file of the SystemManager (7:39)
Coding : Implementing the SystemManager functions (9:02)
Coding : Testing the System with a Single Client (7:23)
Coding : Writing the Interface file for the ArrythmiaDetector Client (8:20)
Coding : Implementing the ArrythmiaDetector Client functions (8:17)
Coding : Implementing the QRSDetector Client (15:31)
Coding : Integrating multiple clients into to the System (23:08)
Observer Design Pattern (Publisher-Subscriber Pattern )
Introduction to the Observer Pattern (9:09)
Coding : Writing the Interface file for the Server (14:37)
Coding : Implementing the Server functions (14:31)
Coding : Writing the Interface file of the Fertiliser Mixer Client (7:29)
Coding : Implementing the Fertilizer Mixer Client functions (17:49)
Coding : Implementing the Display Client (4:39)
Coding : Testing the Observer Pattern (22:04)
Coding : Testing the Observer Pattern with Actual Sensors (10:12)
Closing Remarks
Coding : Implementing Device Client APIs (PART II)
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