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Embedded Touchscreen Drivers Development: A Bare-Metal Approach
Tools and Resources Needed
Course Overview and Learning Objectives
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Getting the required documentation (7:41)
Getting the required package for bare-metal development (21:19)
Testing the project setup (15:54)
Introduction to Touchscreen Technologies
The Evolution of Touchscreen Technology (5:42)
Overview Touchscrren Technologies (8:46)
Developing Generic Drivers for Realworld Examples and Interfacing with the Module
Important information about this section
Programming : Enabling the Floating Point Unit (FPU) (18:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Analyzing the Documentation (11:35)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Listing out the steps (4:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Init. function (22:13)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Write function (5:39)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Testing the Driver (6:39)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Analyzing the Documentation (8:28)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Implementing the Init. function (9:52)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - The rest of the functions (12:15)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Testing the Timebase (5:34)
Programming : BSP : Listing the out the Required Functions (7:55)
Programming : Writing the LED Driver (5:01)
Programming : Writing the PushButton Driver (4:00)
Programming : Testing the Board Support Package (3:35)
Programming : Analyzing the ADC Documentation (5:21)
Programming : Listing out the steps for developing the ADC Driver (5:27)
Programming : Writing the ADC Initialization function (13:21)
Programming : Writing the ADC Read function (14:05)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation for the SPI Driver (7:34)
Programming : Intializing the GPIO Pins for SPI (11:00)
Programming : Implementaing Structures for Configruation Parameters (15:29)
Programming : Configuring the Parameters (15:41)
Programming : Writing the SPI Initialization function (14:55)
Programming : Writing the SPI Transmit Function (Pt.1) (9:27)
Programming : Writing the SPI Transmit Function (Pt.2) (10:26)
Programming : Transmitting 16-bit Data (17:54)
Programming : Transmitting 8-bit Data (6:46)
Programming : Receiving Data (11:05)
Programming : Testing the SPI Driver (15:47)
Programming : Extending the SPI Driver (16:00)
Introduction to Embedded Systems Displays
Overview of some popular embedded displays (6:16)
Programming : Creating the Workspace (2:31)
Introduction to the XPT2046 Touch Controller
Getting Required Documentation for the Touchscreen Controller (5:20)
Analyzing the Documentation of the Touchscreen Controller (14:07)
Developing the XPT2046 Touch Controller Driver
Programming: Selecting an SPI Module for the Touchscreen controller (6:00)
Programming: Initializing GPIO Pins for the Touch Controller's SPI (7:34)
Programming: Initializing the SPI Paramters for the Touch Controller (4:30)
Programming: Initializing the IRQ Line (8:22)
Programming: Initializing the CS Line (4:12)
Programming: The XPT2046 SPI Transfer function (5:33)
Programming: The isTouch( ) function (2:27)
Programming: Analyzing the Touch Controller's Schematics (15:39)
Programming: Implementing the getpoint() function(Pt.1) (17:40)
Programming: Implementing the getpoint() function(Pt.2) (8:05)
Improving Touch Detection Accuracy
Programming: Implementing the Quickselect Algorithm for Finding the Median(Pt.1) (8:57)
Improving Coordinate Accuracy (5:07)
Programming: Implementing the Quickselect Algorithm for Finding the Median(Pt.2) (13:31)
Programming: Applying the Quickselect to Find the Median of Touch Points (11:10)
Programming: Testing the Touch Controller Driver (19:24)
Calibrating the Touch Controller's Coordinate System to Match the Display
The Critical Necessity of Calibration (7:20)
Understanding the Mathematics behind Calibration(Pt.1) (9:23)
Understanding the Mathematics behind Calibration(Pt.2) (7:30)
Advanced Topics and Real-world Applications
Some RealWorld Applications of Touchscreens (1:49)
Multi-Touch Systems and it Challenges (5:01)
Future Trends and Evolving Technologies
Resources and Communities (1:47)
Future Trends and Evolving Technologies (5:28)
Course Update
Some RealWorld Applications of Touchscreens
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