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Hands-On Barcode/QR Code Systems Development
Getting Started
Welcome(Same as Promo) (2:33)
Course Requirement
Introduction to Barcodes (5:29)
The System Overview
The Evolution of Barcodes: From 1D to 2D
The Universal Product Code (UPC) and Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) (0:52)
The Rise of 1D Barcodes (1:43)
The Advent of 2D Barcodes and CCD Technology (2:04)
Why Laser Scanners are Still Preferred in Some Industries (2:47)
The Timeline of Barcode History (6:56)
Source Code Download
Key Barcode Standards
The GTIN Family (2:44)
Some Examples of EAN and UPC Barcodes (1:52)
Extensions of GTIN- ISBN and ISMN (2:03)
The Structure of a UPC Barcode (1:20)
Understanding the Structure (3:36)
1D and 2D Barcode Symbologies (4:42)
Getting Started with Node.JS
Introduction to NodeJS (5:51)
Setting Up NodeJS and MySQL (7:51)
Setting Up VSCode (8:16)
Programming: Writing your first NodeJS Script (6:01)
Programming: Creating a Server with NodeJS (9:44)
Programming: Connecting to MySQL database (12:55)
Programming: Inserting Data into the Database (5:43)
Programming: Fetching Data from the Database (3:28)
Programming: Updating Database Rows (3:50)
Programming: Deleting Data from the Database (8:11)
Setting Up the Development Environment
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Developing Generic Drivers
Programming: Getting the Required Documentation (7:41)
Programming: Getting the Right Package and Setting Up the Project Tree (21:19)
Programming: Testing the Project Setup (15:54)
Programming: Enabling the Floating Point Unit (18:00)
Programming: Developing the UART Driver- Analyzing the UART Documentation (11:35)
Programming: Developing the UART Driver- Listing out the Steps (4:00)
Programming: Developing the UART Driver- Implementing the Initialization Function (22:13)
Programming: Developing the UART Driver- Implementing the Write Function (5:39)
Programming: Developing the UART Driver- Testing the Debug UART Driver (6:39)
Programming: Developing the System Timebase- Analyzing the Documentation (8:28)
Programming: Developing the System Timebase- Implementing the Initialization Function (9:52)
Programming: Developing the System Timebase- Implementing the rest of Functions (12:15)
Programming: Developing the System Timebase- Testing the Timebase (5:34)
Programming: Developing the System BSP- Listing out the Required Functions (7:55)
Programming: Developing the System BSP- Implementing the LED Driver (5:01)
Programming: Developing the System BSP- Implementing the Push Button Driver (4:00)
Programming: Developing the System BSP- Testing (3:35)
Developing Circular Buffers for Communication
SettingUp the Workspace (2:37)
Programming: Expanding the UART Driver (9:10)
Programming: Developing the Slave Device UART Driver (19:30)
Overview of Circular Buffers (6:54)
Programming: Implementing the Interface File of the Circular Buffer (5:07)
Programming: Implementing the Initialization function (8:54)
Programming: Clearing the Buffer and Storing Characters in the Buffer (6:23)
Programming: Peeking and Reading the Buffer (7:59)
Programming: Writing to the RX Buffer (6:32)
Programming: Refactoring the Code (13:49)
Programming: Checking for Data in the Buffer (3:58)
Programming: Getting the First Character of a String (4:44)
Programming: Finding Responses in the Buffer (6:00)
Programming: Getting Strings from the Buffer (5:25)
Programming: Implementing the Slave Device UART Callback (12:43)
Programming: Implementing the Debug UART Callback (3:26)
Programming: Testing the Buffers (5:31)
The NodeJS Communication Driver
Programming: Implementing the NodeJS Driver for Receiving Serial Data (13:03)
The Waveshare 1D/2D Scanner Module
Overveiw of the Waveshare 1D/2D Barcode Reader (8:06)
Developing a 1D/2D Scanner Device
Programming: Updating the Workspace (1:07)
Programming: Implementing a Helper Function for Copying Buffer Content (3:46)
Programming: Analyzing the Documentation of the Scanner Module (17:27)
Programming: Scanning an Item with our Driver (8:56)
Programming: Storing Scanned Barcode into a Buffer (5:10)
Programming: Extracting and Storing Barcode Numbers for Identification (4:38)
Programming: Converting the Barcode String to a 64bit Integer (4:12)
Programming: Implementing a Simple Logic for Identifying Scanned Objects (5:10)
Scanner Device Version 2
Programming: Implementing Product Entry and Product Dictionary (4:56)
Programming: Implementing 'Scanned Item Processor' Function (2:51)
Programming: Finishing the System and Testing (4:30)
Developing the Complete System with Database Integration
Programming: Updating the Firmware (2:28)
Programming: Configuring the Database to Store Scanned Items (2:42)
Programming: Connecting to the Database and Configuring the Serial Port (3:35)
Programming: Inserting the Scanned Items into the Database (5:16)
Programming: Testing the Complete System (5:14)
Programming: Testing the Complete System
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