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Embedded Display Drivers Development: A Bare-Metal Approach
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Getting the required documentation (7:41)
Getting the required package for bare-metal development (21:19)
Testing the project setup (15:54)
Source Code Download
Developing Drivers for Interfacing with Displays and Running Examples
Important information about this section
Programming : Enabling the Floating Point Unit (FPU) (18:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Analyzing the Documentation (11:35)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Listing out the steps (4:00)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Init. function (22:13)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Implementing the Write function (5:39)
Programming : Developing a UART Driver - Testing the Driver (6:39)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Analyzing the Documentation (8:28)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Implementing the Init. function (9:52)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - The rest of the functions (12:15)
Programming : Developing the System Timebase - Testing the Timebase (5:34)
Programming : BSP : Listing the out the Required Functions (7:55)
Programming : Writing the LED Driver (5:01)
Programming : Writing the PushButton Driver (4:00)
Programming : Testing the Board Support Package (3:35)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation (5:21)
Programming : Listing out the steps for developing the ADC Driver (5:27)
Programming : Writing the ADC Initialization function (13:21)
Programming : Writing the ADC Read function (14:05)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation for the SPI Driver (7:34)
Programming : Intializing the GPIO Pins for SPI (11:00)
Programming : Implementaing Structures for Configruation Parameters (15:29)
Programming : Configuring the Parameters (15:41)
Programming : Writing the SPI Initialization function (14:55)
Programming : Writing the SPI Transmit Function (Pt.1) (9:27)
Programming : Writing the SPI Transmit Function (Pt.2) (10:26)
Programming : Transmitting 16-bit Data (17:54)
Programming : Transmitting 8-bit Data (6:46)
Programming : Receiving Data (11:05)
Programming : Testing the SPI Driver (15:47)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation for the I2C Driver (10:47)
Programming : I2C : The GPIO Initialization (10:35)
Programming : Configuring the I2C Parameters (10:22)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Read function (13:44)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Burst Read function (7:25)
Programming : Implementing the I2C Write functions (10:17)
Introduction to Embedded Systems Displays
Overview of some popular embedded displays (2:31)
Programming : Creating the Workspace (6:16)
7/8 Segment Displays
Working with 7/8 Segment Displays (5:00)
Programming : The 7/8 Segment Didplay Driver (17:49)
Programming : The 7/8 Segment Didplay Driver using a LookUp Table (10:12)
The MAX7219 Multi-Digit 7/8 Segment Display
Programming : SPI Protocol Initialization (12:22)
Programming : Configuring the Slave Select Pin (6:23)
Programming : Implementing the Write Function (5:24)
Programming : Clearing the Display (2:32)
Programming : Implementing the Initialization Sequence (7:46)
Programming : Testing the Driver (13:21)
Dot Matrix Displays
Working with Dot Matrix Displays (4:00)
Programming : Initializing the Driver's GPIO (9:36)
Programming : The Write Byte Function (5:17)
Programming : The Write Command Function (4:03)
Programming : Defining some Helper Macros (3:41)
Programming : The Set LED Function (6:57)
Programming : The Set Row Function (5:32)
Programming : The Write Character Fuunction (4:38)
Programming : The Character Scroll Function (6:40)
Programming : The Right/Left Shift Functions (8:27)
Programming : Scrolling an entire String (6:29)
Programming : Clearing the Displays (1:57)
Programming : Initializing the Driver (8:32)
Programming : Testing the Driver (20:36)
WS2812 Addressable LED
Working with the WS2812 Addressable LED (2:16)
Programming : Analyzing the Documentation (7:48)
Programming : Increasing the system Frequency (18:02)
Programming : Testing the new System Frequency (5:03)
Programming : Writing the Timer PWM Driver (18:16)
Programming : Writing the Timer DMA Driver (14:07)
Programming : Writing the Set LED Function (8:27)
Programming : Writing the Set Brightness Function (5:39)
Programming : Writing the Display Function (15:38)
Programming : The DMA IRQHandler (3:47)
Programming : Testing the Addressable LED Strip Driver (13:08)
OLED Displays
Working with OLED Displays (1:49)
Programming : Writing the interface file for the SSD1306 OLED Display (17:42)
Programming : Writing Command and Data to the Display (5:23)
Programming : Implementing the Scroll functions (10:16)
Programming : Implementing the Initialization function (8:22)
Programming : Clearing and Updating the Screen (10:03)
Programming : Drawing Pixels (4:27)
Programming : Writing a Single Character (7:12)
Programming : Writing Strings (2:24)
Programming : Drawing a Line (11:24)
Programming : Implementing the Clear Screen function (1:15)
Programming : Drawing Bitmaps (8:42)
Programming : Testing the SSD1306 Driver and Library (22:15)
TFT Displays with ST7735
Working with TFT Displays (2:06)
Programming : Analyzing the Pinout of the ST7735 TFT Display (7:37)
Programming : Initializing the Required GPIO Pins (6:31)
Programming : Initializing the SPI Driver (5:27)
Programming : Writing Command and Data (6:30)
Programming : Implementing the Push Color function (4:21)
Programming : Initializing Standard Commands (9:48)
Programming : Implementing the Set Address Window function (11:40)
Programming : Drawing a Pixel (2:49)
Programming : Drawing Vertical Lines (2:07)
Programming : Drawing Horizontal Lines (5:28)
Programming : Drawing a Character (9:51)
Programming : Drawing Rectangles (3:17)
Programming : Drawing Strings (2:04)
Programming : Implementing the Draw Axis function (12:19)
Programming : Plotting Points (3:58)
Programming : Implementing the Plot Increment function (2:04)
Programming : Testing the ST7735 Driver and Library (Pt.1) (17:03)
Programming : Testing the ST7735 Driver and Library(Pt.2) (11:11)
Character LCD Displays
Working with Character LEDs (2:23)
Programming : Analyzing the Pinout and Documentation (6:41)
Programming : Initializing the LCD GPIO Pins (7:23)
Programming : Implementing the Write Nibble function (7:39)
Programming : Writing Commands and Data (4:03)
Programming : Implementing other Driver functions (6:55)
Programming : Testing the Character LCD Driver (10:39)
Programming : BSP : Listing the out the Required Functions
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