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ARM Cortex-M7 STM32F7 Bare-Metal Programming From Ground Up™
Getting Started - Constructing Peripheral Registers from Memory Addresses
Downloading our Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (2:34)
Installing our Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (2:38)
Getting the right Documentation for Bare-Metal Development (7:41)
Coding : Locating the Ports and Pins of Components on the Nucleo board (14:27)
Coding : Defining Addresses of Modules using information from the Documentation (14:51)
Coding : Creating required Registers using Information from Documentation (28:27)
Coding : Configuring Pins using the Registers we Created (12:07)
Coding : Creating Registers from Structure Members (34:48)
General Purpose Input/Output(GPIO)
Overview of ARM Cortex-M General Purpose Input/Output Module (7:24)
Coding : Developing the GPIO Output Driver (21:17)
Coding : Controlling GPIO Outputs using the Bit Set/Reset Register (BSRR) (7:00)
Coding : Developing the GPIO Input Driver (10:41)
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter(UART)
Overview of the UART Protocol (7:43)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.1 Pins and Bus Connection (12:49)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.2 Configuring Pin Mode (41:51)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.3 Pin Alternate Function (11:24)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.4 UART Parameters (13:39)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.5 UART Baudrate (11:12)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.6 Testing the UART TX Driver (19:36)
Coding : Retargeting printf (3:47)
Coding : Making the UART TX Driver more Modular (16:43)
Coding : Developing the UART RX Driver (14:02)
Coding : Testing the UART RX Driver (24:25)
Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion (4:02)
Understanding ADC Independents Modes (8:38)
Coding : Developing the ADC Driver - Pt.1 Locating the ADC Bus (10:08)
Coding : Developing the ADC Driver - Pt.2 Implementing the ADC Init Function (21:11)
Coding : Developing the ADC Driver - Pt.3 Testing the ADC Driver (6:44)
15_Developing_the_adc_single_conversion_driver (6:34)
The System Tick (SysTick) Timer
Overview of the System Tick Timer (7:51)
Coding : Developing the Systick Driver (13:08)
General Purpose Timers
Overview of General Purpose Timers (9:31)
Coding : Developing the General Purpose Timer (GPTM) Driver (13:32)
Interrupts Programming
Introduction to Interrupts (19:44)
Coding : Developing the GPIO Interrupt Driver (16:29)
Coding : Testing the GPIO Interrupt Driver (8:14)
Coding : Developing the Timer Interrupt Driver (17:41)
Coding : Developing the Systick Interrupt Driver (8:24)
Coding : Developing the ADC Interrupt Driver (13:50)
Coding : Developing the UART Receiver Interrupt Driver (11:00)
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Interrupt Driver (12:57)
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
Introduction to I2C (9:21)
Coding : Implementing the I2C Slave Config function (27:41)
Coding : Implementing the I2C Master Config function (10:00)
Coding : Handling the I2C Master Communication (10:21)
Coding : Implementing the I2C Slave Interrupt Handler (16:27)
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Introduction to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) (11:19)
Coding : Implementing the SPI Master Config function (25:08)
Coding : Implementing the SPI Slave Config function (12:30)
Coding : Testing the SPI Driver (15:05)
Closing Remarks
Coding : Developing the UART Transmitter Driver- Pt.4 UART Parameters
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